By princev - 18/06/2011 10:32 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to jump in the pool while holding my cat. I am currently in the hospital due to the severe cuts on my face and throat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 589
You deserved it 112 877

Same thing different taste


hi, I'm princev and I make horrible decisions

eminemchick 19

waitt a secc 106, me and u both have eminem and a famous person in our picturee:D thats so odd but awesome! lol

you should have just thrown the cat in.

You have some serious issues... If i were you, i'd consider some therapy.

cicinyc 7

Maybe the cat should put you in a burlap sack and throw you in a pool.

145, throwing cats is therapeutic for me.

casemier16 0

Maybe I throw you instead and might as well drown you :)) you got some issues using cats as your satisfying thing or whatever.

So I guess you were oblivious to the fact that most cats hate water? YDI

0opsie 6

That's probably why he thought it would be funny, but I just can't understand why he didn't expect to end up badly scratched.

R u ******* stupid or r u ******* STOOOPID?

the irony of this question is hilarious

the irony of this question is hilarious

randomguy1millon_fml 0

taco land and the pussys have signed an agreement to take you down

mynameistom 0

That is definitely not the right way to get rid of your cat.. try flushing it

eminemchick 19

your comment was even funnier cuz i was looking at your picture thoughtfully while reading it xD

Kahuna382000 2

19 I thought cats poop when they are in the water

Octwo 16

"I thought it would be funny-" Instant YDI. Every time.

lmaoatall 6

meanwhile, back at home, your tormented cat is shredding the hell out of your furniture. pissing on your toothbrush, and takeing a shit in your toaster. ydi a- hole

brodway_dreamer 0

i hope the cat does this guy is a idiot why make the cat mad/sad/scared ect

superfluousfrog 6

28- Your picture makes your comment disturbing.