By princev - 18/06/2011 10:32 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to jump in the pool while holding my cat. I am currently in the hospital due to the severe cuts on my face and throat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 589
You deserved it 112 877

Same thing different taste


moo117 0

If that was my can it wold be dead

you deserve it. how stupid do you have to be? I've only ever met 1 cat that doesn't mind water and that's just because she grew up near and in water. I bet the nurses are laughing at you, you sadistic idiot!

The poor cat! It must suck to live with an idiot like you!

******* retarded moron is ******* retarded.

YDI but why would u do that? The poor cat. Now watch your cat tear up your house because you were being and idiot.

ThatLooksSticky 16

I hope your cuts become infected and they have to amputate.

That was a really stupid and sinceI guess you are older than say 3-years old YDI!

I hope your cat slits your throat in your sleep.