By eejit - 21/02/2009 11:52 - Australia

Today, I told my boyfriend that I think teddy bears are THE most pointless and careless gift. He shyly gave me my birthday present afterwards. It was a carebear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 713
You deserved it 67 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nananna915 0

Wow, he should break up with you, you don't deserve a sweet guy like that

a gift is a gift, asshole. at least he got you something. wow, you're an ungrateful little brat.


Yet another person who cant read minds (bazinga) how were u to know he would give u a bear? Its not ur fault u dont like them, any more it is my fault for hating getting flowers. FML girlie

Teddy bears are awesome. I'm a teenage guy and I have plenty of stuffed animals, although I have too much and plan to donate a lot of them to a children's hospital.

I really, really like teddy bears, but I feel sorry for you. It must have felt bad. My sister and I have done similar things in the past, like complaining about a sport and finding out that the one being talked to happens to play it.

he should find a new girl, you don't deserve him and he deserves someone better.

vividpictures 17

The pussy must be good if he's still with you what with an attitude like that.

I honestly think that it doesn't really matter what your love gives you. It's the idea, the thought behind the presents that counts. He may have put a lot of love and time in finding the right one. That's ehat counts.

I love teddy bears. be grateful he got you something for your birthday. your boyfriend deserves better!