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By News to Me - 21/10/2018 15:30

Today, I went to switch my phone number to a new carrier. During the credit check, I was told that I couldn't because I already had an active account. This came as a surprise, as I've never had an account with that carrier. Time to file a fraud claim. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 265
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

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This FML is the most lukewarm one I've read so far.

Bahamian 1

I would ask to have 'my number' switched to my new phone and wait for someone to text/call to find out who is using your number.


This FML is the most lukewarm one I've read so far.

Maybe a company you once used was acquired by the new carrier? There used to be lots of cellular companies, but they all got gobbled up by basically four big monsters.

Bahamian 1

I would ask to have 'my number' switched to my new phone and wait for someone to text/call to find out who is using your number.