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Under pressure

By Anonymous - 18/09/2023 14:00

Today, I told my boyfriend of five months that it's time he stopped fighting for custody with his baby mama, and to start focusing more on my kids, whom he said he would take responsibility for. He responded by telling me to pack my things, saying we should all leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 121
You deserved it 2 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be honest with yourself, here. If he had told you to stop focussing on your own kids and concentrate on your stepkid instead, you would've been outraged too, right? There we go.

You definitely deserved that one. You displayed callous and selfish behavior. I would've done the same thing if an asshole told me to abandon my biological children. You don't deserve him one bit.


You definitely deserved that one. You displayed callous and selfish behavior. I would've done the same thing if an asshole told me to abandon my biological children. You don't deserve him one bit.

You deserved it! To think you’re more important than someone else’s children! Actually laughable 🤣

Be honest with yourself, here. If he had told you to stop focussing on your own kids and concentrate on your stepkid instead, you would've been outraged too, right? There we go.

Glad all you *****-bags found each other and are cranking out a whole new generation of ****-ups. Therapists and the private prison industry thank you in advance.

L0life29 6

Lemme get this straight. You have been with this guy for all of five months and you’re telling him to cut his kids loose to focus on your kids? That’s some trifling shit right there. You NEVER make a parent get rid of their kids if they’re of an age that they should be living at home. I’d ask if you’re my ex-wife, but her new BD was dumb enough to do what she said when she told him to get rid of his kids with his ex.

What the hell did you think was going to happen? Honestly! You deserved the outcome.

HouseOfM 8

5 months damn. You have barely been there for a cup of coffee and expect to move in? You deserve it.

wtf 🤣 you just keep breeding and you expected him to cut off his own child for yours 🤣 that's not how this works sweetheart. yours will never be more important than the bio children. make better decisions and stop popping out child support babies