By danikka1 - 11/03/2010 17:13 - United States

Today, I told my husband that after fifteen years of marriage, I wanted a divorce. His first question was whether or not he could still go on the family cruise my parents are paying for in May. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 096
You deserved it 10 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ggasg 0

he at least deserves the cruise... he did put in 15 yrs

Today, my wife filed for divorce after 15 years of being married. Oh, and to rub salt in the wounds, she decided to exclude me from the cruise her parents paid for us to go on. FML F your ex-husband's life!


Official_Person 0

*Kanye West voice* Now I ain't saying he's a gold digger...

big deal, say no you can't because I hate you, then you find a hot tan guy with a six pack and a great butt and take him with you

whatever don't you relize that if he was such a huge jerk that when she asks for a divorce all he cares about is a cruise he doesn't even deserve to go on it anyway

I wanna met this guy. we could hit it off!

15 yrs... why not all the freinds geandparents were married for over 50 years how are u gonna date after that

janise 2

Wouldn't it be up to the OP's parents whether to take him? They are the ones paying for it after all and they may actually like the guy.

you're stupid. this fml proves it. you chose the wring guy or you're just a bitch that had to divorce. and after 15 ******* years. you're such a dumbass

ComMed 0

she could be a bitch and twisting the truth. he could be an ass and the reason she is leaving. We don't know but divorce should always he the last resort.  

Tardis10 0

shoot I'd do the same shit.