By danikka1 - 11/03/2010 17:13 - United States

Today, I told my husband that after fifteen years of marriage, I wanted a divorce. His first question was whether or not he could still go on the family cruise my parents are paying for in May. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 096
You deserved it 10 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ggasg 0

he at least deserves the cruise... he did put in 15 yrs

Today, my wife filed for divorce after 15 years of being married. Oh, and to rub salt in the wounds, she decided to exclude me from the cruise her parents paid for us to go on. FML F your ex-husband's life!


bflame6 0

he probably isn't upset cuz you're just not hot anymore, and the Cruise will just be a prime opportunity to get with your hotter, younger, single sister.... js

yeah why is this a FML? you're just pissed that you didnt get a bigger reaction out of him! you're the bitch who's trying to make him feel bad. obviously you don't mean much to him then

Her soon to be ex-husband should get a Non-Removal order! He can have his children's passports seized by the court. (I assume this cruise involves leaving the country.) If he can't go with her, how does he know she's not going to run off with his children.

daddysgirl12000 0

i have similar experience... i broke up with my bf and the first question he asked me was, "what about your formal (aus' equivalent of prom) date?" fml

So for you dumping him is not about ending a relationship which you don't want to be in anymore. Instead it's about making him feel bad because that validates you?

no, i told him, "let's break up." and he didnt say okay, or not okay, just asked me "what about your formal?"

what did you expect? for him to cry and beg you to give him another chance? obviously you arent much of a prize, and im guessing you feel the same way about him since you asked for the divorce!

ok im not sayin ydi but really? ur the one askin for a divorce how is that fml? y duz it matter to u if he asks an insensitive question?

well pobably he's finding ways to make it up yo.

yeeah, I know what you mean. I was having a hangout thing with a bunch of my friends and my boyfriend, and not even two days before the hangout he dumped me. the first question out of his month was : "can I still come to your house?". pfft, losers.

randomviolet 0

ok ehats more importent u and him get a devorse or a cruse????? why do u want to get a devorse