By danikka1 - 11/03/2010 17:13 - United States

Today, I told my husband that after fifteen years of marriage, I wanted a divorce. His first question was whether or not he could still go on the family cruise my parents are paying for in May. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 096
You deserved it 10 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ggasg 0

he at least deserves the cruise... he did put in 15 yrs

Today, my wife filed for divorce after 15 years of being married. Oh, and to rub salt in the wounds, she decided to exclude me from the cruise her parents paid for us to go on. FML F your ex-husband's life!


Bawvie 1

So you tell your husband you want a divorce, and then you say your life is f-ed because he didn't freak out about it? Were you testing him or something? Is that why you're so upset about his blatant apathy?

lortay2468_fml 0

sooo u want a divoirce he's okay with that and he wants to go on a trip just go on a trip together 1 last time

sourgirl101 28

What was his second question?

Hermyoni 0

Maybe OP says things like this alot and rather then get himself worked up over it he said something that might knock her down a peg. Divorce happens but the fact your only annoyance is that he asked to go on the cruise then I assume all you are is a drama queen and probably do this to him a lot.

believe it or not, this happened to me too!

ralphyr 0

fml because you wanna divorce? go n git hit by a bus bitch.

If you're going to divorce him, then let him have the cruise. Likely your family likes him better anyway.

gman79 0

so you wanted today to be the worst day of his life, but it was just thursday, YDI

YDI for taking the easy way out and not trying to go to counsoling first.

If that is the case... then yeah... total YDI. But who's to say after 15 years she hasn't tried to work this out and they haven't done counseling? Not enough info in the FML... she could be a bitch... but he could be an ass..