By danikka1 - 11/03/2010 17:13 - United States

Today, I told my husband that after fifteen years of marriage, I wanted a divorce. His first question was whether or not he could still go on the family cruise my parents are paying for in May. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 096
You deserved it 10 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ggasg 0

he at least deserves the cruise... he did put in 15 yrs

Today, my wife filed for divorce after 15 years of being married. Oh, and to rub salt in the wounds, she decided to exclude me from the cruise her parents paid for us to go on. FML F your ex-husband's life!


spicayyy 0
Mean1 0

Who wouldn't react this way? Honestly, if someone uses filing for a divorce as a cry for attention, I wouldn't want them around. So, he probably assumed that you had figured out that you weren't right for each other and/or are with someone else and figured that he should accept it and move on. Sounds like he's lucky that you're leaving, since you're obviously either not too bright, or are very selfish.

seanseansean321 0

how is that a fml? your divorcing him, he wants a cruise. no reason to **** your life.

pfunk129 1

f you for giving up after fifteen years. I'm sure it was torture for him too.

heypeoplezzz 0

Agree wih you :( but still, feel sorry for him, he's getting a divorse. and no wonder he's getting a divorse if he asked questions like that. (can i come on the cruise - joke!)

we don't know the terms of their divorce or how they get on with their inlaws so I wish people would stop picking sides in the comment section unless they have all the facts.

Igor_g5 0

Yeah, if you're divorcing him at least let him have the cruise.

It's a valid question. Or perhaps it's a joke. I can't really tell. Of course, if you can't even give us a reason why you want to divorce him, I would wonder why you want to at all. Thanks for giving us neither rhyme nor reason to pick sides, OP.

Batman4890 0

I'm fairly sure him asking that is a good thing for you; he could however said "well I don't want a divorce so you can stay married to me for however long it is until i have to go through with it" but anyway whats so bad about him wanting to go on a cruise? how bad can he be?