By Grounded - 29/12/2009 18:50 - United States

Today, I told my mom I was going on a date tonight. She laughed and didn't believe me. When I tried to convince her it was real, she got mad and grounded me for lying. I had to cancel the date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 260
You deserved it 3 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you cancel the date? If you would of let your date show up, your mom would of seen that you were telling the truth. It could of gotten you un-grounded. But seriously........sometimes, I think people think of the weirdest shit just to get on this site. This doesn't happen in real life.

BlinkOnceForYes 0

That would be one horrible mother. But if you have no life, no friends, and no dates.. what is there really to ground you from?


You should have lied after she did not believe you...

I was waiting for some idiot to come by and tell sparkly she's hot. Just a matter of time really. Sad, obvious world.

valmont_fml 0

#14 already did, although it was poorly spelled.

ur moms a bitch, take revenge and key her car or somthin

Couldn't you have called your date, pretend like you were just calling to confirm the time or something, and have your mom listen in? I hope you can prove you were right and have her apologise... but if she could be that much of an ass to her own child I'm guessing an apology will not be coming any time soon.

you deserve it for not standing your ground against your mum on that matter dude...

he DID stand his ground, that was what got him grounded!

Dude. Either you are too young too date, or too old to be grounded.

If he's still under his parents' supervision and responsibility at home, they still have the right to ground him. Especially if he's under 18, and it's perfectly common for 16/17 year olds to date. (And I mean actually date... not the way 12 year olds do).

By the age of 15, my mother was physically unable to ground me. She tried once or twice, but then she realised it would be better to punish me as an adult then as a child. Once you get to a certain age then it becomes very freaking difficult for a parent to control your life. Maybe it isn't right, but it's the way it is. And usually it ends up best for both parties, with the child learning to be responsible for their own mistakes and actions, and the parent learning to give the child breathing space. Whether they have the right to ground him is completely irrelevant, because I doubt most teenagers would take any notice. Especially if they consider themselves old enough to date. ;)

Reyo 2

Yes, this. All you had to do was get your date to come over and make your mom feel like an asshole. Then again, she could go on a tangent about how "You paid her", but then she'd just be going out of her way to make herself look like more of an asshole in the long run.

somethingnew319 0

yo if ur gonna cancle cuz ur ma said ur grounded then ur ****** stupid tell her to **** off n go anyways

EveryDayJackAss 0