By Misc248 - 19/10/2009 16:47 - United States

Today, I told my sister that I thought I was pregnant, and that she was the only person I had called. Immediately after I hung up the phone I got a text saying, "OMG my sister thinks she's pregnant!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 313
You deserved it 5 650

Misc248 tells us more.

Misc248 0

We can laugh about it now because it turns out I wasn't pregnant. But now I know I can't trust her with information like that (unfortunately).

Top comments

I didn't tell anyone when I thought I was pregnant. It turned out I wasn't pregnant though because I never had sex, I'm a guy, and it turned out I was just fat.

Llama_Face89 33

92- Married and sex all the time.. You can have one or the other.


0515_dw_090084 0

I CAN TOTALLY RELATE!!!!!!!!!!! Having similar problems at the moment.

Mass text fail :P FYL, especially if you're still young and not meant to be doing that stuff.

AlwaysBlameMe_19 0

Or better yet "OMG my sister has the herp!"

Klabauterpete 0

YDI for not knowing your sister.

doggie3 0

and that is how you know when it's time to get a new sister.

alicemassie 0

true. if you sent out a mass text like that, then it would probably look like you two were just having a random texting war and none of it was true ;-)

lala08 0

oh wow. i would kill my sister. when i found out i was pregnant i was with her and all we did was cry. lol #10. not sure if you noticed but its 2009 not everyone needs to be married to be pregnant.

AntiChrist7 0

Only tell something when you are sure.

Why can't she tell her sister if she thinks? She didn't want to announce it because she didn't know but she might have wanted to talk things through.