By MenSuck - 01/09/2009 03:56 - United States

Today, I told the guy I have been sort of dating that I want to connect emotionally before sleeping with him. He told me that he already had an emotional connection with his fiancée and was only interested in sleeping with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 412
You deserved it 9 109

mensuck tells us more.

Just to clear the air: 1.I'm not a ****, obviously, since I didn't sleep with the creep 2.I did not know about the girl 3.Sort of dating means: going on dates, kissing, holding hands, but not boyfriend/girlfriend (aka that weird stage when your facebook relationship status goes blank or to it's complicated) 4.Trust me, I ran very fast, and there were no obvious warning signs 5.Thanks for reading.

Top comments

mehwhateverr 0

well, when it comes to guys, basically its: handsome, mentaly stable, and single, except you can only pick 2


LaLaJoy 2

If that's true, then you dodged a bullet.

so have sex with him or move on. clearly he's not going to leave his fiancee for you. sorry

Yeah, dude, if you're only "sort of dating" what's with the "I want to emotionally connect before sex"? So you were going to have sex even when you were only "sort of dating"? Quite contradictory of the emotional connection part. Unless you were meaning you wanted to make your relationship serious, then you should have put it another way. Honestly, not much of a emotional connection if you basically say "yeah I'll have sex with you, but only if you agree to be seriously boyfriend and girlfriend" - once again, contradictory. Also it sounds to me like he was trying to pressure you into sex through your "relationship." That should be a red flag right there that he's not into you for you and that you need to ditch him.

Cooluu 5
cyooty 0

I say **** him, take pictures, and find out who his fiance is. Show her the pics and have her dump him. Hooray! You can both find trustworthy guys.

That sounds like an excellent idea. And ferret through his email and what-not. There might be a few other girls who are being led astray by this snake in the grass.

For once, I completely agree with you. Though I think you should tone down the caps. You'll look more intelligent.

I must say, although he's a scumbag piece of shit, at least the man was honest