FML for mobile
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By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, I took a call. Wrong number. A few seconds later, they called back and I told her that she had the wrong number. She said she just hit redial and didn't understand how she got me again. I tried to explain how redial works. She called me a moron and hung up. Then my phone rang again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 514
You deserved it 24

Top comments

Should have acted like a different person every time just to see how long she would do it for.


LOLOL. that's a fail on her part. [: funny.

eh... look at it in the way of there are like tons of kids born every minute... you're bound to meet some of them. Especially if you are doing a group project or assignment that counts for a whole letter grade or that is all that is measured in your annual performance review. -Law of Dumbshits

laya_fml 26

211, what does her being blond have to do with anything?

Pamina128 0

Clearly someone doesn't know how to use a phone. Lol that's annoying I feel bad for you.

hahah wow, what a tard. not really an FML tho.

That isn't an FML but an opportunity. The woman is obviously stupid, and you should play into that.

pancakelover 0

Are you sure it wasn't someone messing with you? That you knew?