By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 17:39 - United States
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If she said something along the lines of "Hi, is *insert name* there?" try this: "No. He/she is dead." Then hang up. I have yet to try it, but I'd have loved an opportunity like this!
I've done that before xD
haha, that's funny :) #11 - how is it now a FML?
I would have been tempted to call her a fucktard, but then fate would have it that she'd figure out how to use a phone and then rat me out to my supervisor.
WOW, how does that woman survive each day? What did she think re-dial meant?! LOL! Dumbass!
what an idiot! I had a similar experiencs. They kept on calling asking for James even after they heard my voice mail that clearly female and discloses my name!
That's when I'd pull out my favourite line... "Thank you for calling Nuts and Melons, where your satisfaction is our business. Press one to get a Nut, press two to get a Melon." Either they hang up and never call you back, or they actually want, um, a "nut" or "melon." You win both ways - peace or humour. :D
shes the ****ing moron there. she must have an IQ below 80! re-dial meens it RE DIALS THE NUMBER SHE JUST CALLED LMFAO!!!!
Should have acted like a different person every time just to see how long she would do it for.
Just wanna smack people like that