By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, I took a call. Wrong number. A few seconds later, they called back and I told her that she had the wrong number. She said she just hit redial and didn't understand how she got me again. I tried to explain how redial works. She called me a moron and hung up. Then my phone rang again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 514
You deserved it 24

Top comments

Should have acted like a different person every time just to see how long she would do it for.


Pedter 0

If she said something along the lines of "Hi, is *insert name* there?" try this: "No. He/she is dead." Then hang up. I have yet to try it, but I'd have loved an opportunity like this!

haha, that's funny :) #11 - how is it now a FML?

nyledf 1

I would have been tempted to call her a fucktard, but then fate would have it that she'd figure out how to use a phone and then rat me out to my supervisor.

WOW, how does that woman survive each day? What did she think re-dial meant?! LOL! Dumbass!

what an idiot! I had a similar experiencs. They kept on calling asking for James even after they heard my voice mail that clearly female and discloses my name!

chasing_adalia 0

That's when I'd pull out my favourite line... "Thank you for calling Nuts and Melons, where your satisfaction is our business. Press one to get a Nut, press two to get a Melon." Either they hang up and never call you back, or they actually want, um, a "nut" or "melon." You win both ways - peace or humour. :D

shes the ****ing moron there. she must have an IQ below 80! re-dial meens it RE DIALS THE NUMBER SHE JUST CALLED LMFAO!!!!

xo3velyn 0

haha thats funny, i just hate how some people are so confident there right when there wrong :) ha thats not really a FML though, but it made me laugh :) sounds like a bad prank call

xThatRandomGirlx 0

That's when you answer and go "who's the moron now!" Or just really screw with them