By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, I took a call. Wrong number. A few seconds later, they called back and I told her that she had the wrong number. She said she just hit redial and didn't understand how she got me again. I tried to explain how redial works. She called me a moron and hung up. Then my phone rang again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 514
You deserved it 24

Top comments

Should have acted like a different person every time just to see how long she would do it for.


Should have acted like a different person every time just to see how long she would do it for.

Next time they call, use the Michael Jackson soundboard. They'll never call again.

debbiedowner2 0

Don't you hate when people like to think they're always right; usually they're not?

People do that all the time, it's annoying.

this either happened twice (which i could totally believe), or it was stolen from

izzy21_fml 0

or it's by the same person who decided to post it twice on diff. sites

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! got to love people who can't figure out technology but refuse to not use it!

Search her number online and find her address. Find her, and then proceed to shove her phone down her throat. At least, that's what I'd want to do. Seriously. How stupid does someone have to be? It's not like the phone is a new piece of technology...