By Anonymous - 04/07/2015 03:29 - United States - Panora

Today, I took an online IQ test, even though I knew they give everyone unrealistically high scores. My score was 73. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 661
You deserved it 5 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ScottVining 21

Maybe it was an unrealistically low score

IQ tests are just for entertainment purposes OP. The result means nothing.


Eh receiving high or low scores on an IQ test depends on a number of factors. And if it was an internet test, there's a possibility that it could be inaccurate. Check its credibility. Or you're just a bit...slow.

only a little slow if that's accurate?

jonny_salsa 7

Is it possible that that was an unrealistically high score for you?

Just because some test claims you have a lower-than-desired IQ doesn't mean you aren't smart. You have different areas of expertise than other people and that's a good thing. You add something unique to society and that's a great thing.

This just reminds me of the Pinocchio (geico?) commercial "you have potential". It's a fair point though. IQ tests certainly don't measure everything. But most of the ones I've taken have pretty simple multiple choice questions.

"Smart" is such a relative term. It really has no place in discussions about IQ. Everybody is "smart" as long as they know a decent bit about one particular thing. There is a large difference between being "smart" and being intelligent.

fair point #20 except for the part of the commercial where Pinocchio's nose grows every time he tells someone they have potential

mds9986 24

Really, IQ means nothing anymore. It's just a statistic. Anyone can do anything they want as long as they work towards it.

So all I have to do is work towards it and I'd be able to fly? Or shoot flames from my eyes?

mds9986 24

Yeah, maybe. You can hop into an airplane to fly, or maybe become a biomedical engineer and create an eye Implant that allows you to shoot lasers out of your eyes.

Damn even Forrest Gump had an IQ of 75.

It was just for fun seeing as real iq tests need to be needed for something and cost money

You took a generic exam, and did poorly. That's all. IQ is measured from several IQ tests, ranging from matching coloured shapes together to make images, to typical exams.