By radioactiveglowinthedarkthing - 10/10/2011 19:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I took my friend with me for a radiology scan. While I was getting injections, my friend muttered, "On the bright side, if you die, you'll glow in the dark at the funeral." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 165
You deserved it 3 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iwabo 9

bright side: there's a chance you become a super hero.

Well it will be bright if you'll be glowing... Get it? Bright side? :P


linnie_wesker 20

OP needs to stop being so serious.

Have you considered the possibility that he's scared? We don't know why he had the scan. He may be getting tested for cancer, MS or any number of diseases. Do you think, if you were going through something like that, you'd be in the mood for jokes?

kodinbug 2

I wanna die like that.... Bad ass

I can not believe that no one has pointed out that you don't get injected with "radioactive fluid" for any sort of radiologic study. It's the machines that produce the radiation. The injection is just contrast. OP sounds like a moron with the "radioactive fluid" bullshit. My apologies for being so ******* rational.

MsMeiriona 2

Was waiting for you to post about that. Knew I could count on Doc to speak sense. It's just contrast, someone either didn't explain things to OP properly, or they could just be an idiot.

Maybe he was at the nuclear medicine department and was having a PET scan, but just says radiology because he thinks it's easier to understand. Don't judge so quickly, it's a funny story anyway!

You're 100% right. Before I got sick, I didn't know much about these sorts of things. I'm practically an expert now, lol.

And they'll be able to use radioactive dating to determine your time of death to the millisecond too.

You don't need costumes for this coming Halloween. You already have it in you.

yenidewi 11

that's what friends are for ... :D

minnx 1

Soo FYL because your friend made a joke? Jeez these FMLs aren't what they used to be.. This belongs on MLIA or something

I've been disabled for 16 years, and I've gotten a ton of comments like this. Many people are uncomfortable around the sick, and their heart is in the right place even if their foot's in their mouth. OP, don't judge your friend too harshly. And good luck.