New sensation

By birchbeer - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned I'm claustrophobic by having a raging oh-god-I'm-gonna-fucking-die panic attack while I was stuck inside an MRI scanner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 921
You deserved it 2 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no. I'm glad you're okay, OP. Coming from a person with severe claustrophobia, i know how much that sucks. I really hope they pulled you out and made sure we're okay. As a side note, you were being scanned for a reason so I hope everything is all right. Please do a follow up and let us know how everything is. (:

lexiieeex3 32

Hopefully they pulled you out and you're safe now! I can't imagine how terrifying that must be. Good luck OP!


lexiieeex3 32

Hopefully they pulled you out and you're safe now! I can't imagine how terrifying that must be. Good luck OP!

I had to have an MRI a couple of months back. More terrifying than the noise or small space was the presence of red nail varnish scratches from the person who freaked out before me.

revan546 24

"Sir we're just going to have to repeat it until you stop moving ...sir?"

Papersock 20

I hope they didn't find anything from the scan. Best of luck, OP

That's the way we torture Russian communists who pray to a pic of Putin riding a bear, and who generally don't carry vodka with them. God bless America!

RoseFox0029 22
SerenaIncendia 11

Mother russia will terminate you.

Seems a little strange to me. I would have thought the noise would be more annoying than the close space.

andits 21

How is that strange? OP is talking about his/her fear not what they're annoyed by. Fear is a more heightened experience and the fear of small space is very common.

Fear can often be irrational, as well.

Being afraid and being annoyed are two hugely different things. Pretty sure people with these fears dont like it when people say shit like this. They already get laughed at. Have some compassion.

i've had an MRI brain scan before,was a bit scared at first but managed to stay calm,anyway sorry about that op :(

They were playing nice relaxing music when I had mine, I would've fallen asleep if it wasn't from the banging and clacking of the machine :(

lucky,i didnt have music playing during mine

You can bring a CD for them to play normally. I always fall asleep now because of the music and the warm blankets. Then I twitch and have to get it redone.

Oh no. I'm glad you're okay, OP. Coming from a person with severe claustrophobia, i know how much that sucks. I really hope they pulled you out and made sure we're okay. As a side note, you were being scanned for a reason so I hope everything is all right. Please do a follow up and let us know how everything is. (:

#7 That has to be one of the nicest, most supportive FML replies I've seen in a long time. Well done. My reply is that I'm a nurse. I've seen this sort of thing many times before. Usually we medicate them, but if they are really bad we do it under anesthesia. Get it done. The doctor is looking for something. I hope everything works out.

Oh you poor thing :( At least you know for next time.

Had one of those too, I'm not claustrophobic, but it wasn't a comfortable experience...

Novadi 22

I find this hilariously ironic because MRI scanners help you live in the long run and OP is having a sense of dread in it.

nattlecakes 19

If you've ever had a serious full blown panic attack then nothing about this post would be funny...

Novadi 22

I'm sorry I worded that wrong. I found the irony funny, not the situation itself. I hope OP can eventually overcome his/her fear of cramped spaces.

AnOriginalName 19

I'm no medical expert, but MR scanners do nothing but take pictures. Next time a photograph sews you up and saves your life, relate that story and I'll think about how MR scanners help people stay alive.

Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?

Are you some special kind of stupid #25?