By phuckbukket7 - 27/04/2014 22:08 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend out to a fancy restaurant for her birthday. I'd arranged beforehand for some of the staff to come out and sing happy birthday to her, but it all backfired when she started panicking and had a serious anxiety attack from all the attention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 670
You deserved it 8 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christge1beast 17

At least you did something special for her birthday. Sorry it had to go wrong.

Obviously she knew it was for her birthday, don't you think?


Sane people hate the singing shit that restaurants do. You should be more sensitive to her anxiety, it isn't rocket science, just don't put her on the spot. She won't want to be with someone who does that often.

I can not imagine how awkward this would have been for the staff.

It's not your fault OP, don't stress it. You tried to make her happy and that's what matters.

I feel you. My girlfriend had real bad anxiety too. Shit like that happens all the time. If you really love her tho just keep giving her the support and love she needs.

If you knew she was prone to anxiety attacks, it was a dick move...but if you didn't, it was understandable. YLS and YDI from me.

Why on earth would anyone do that to their SO if they knew it...

I know all too much about panic/anxiety attacks. Depending on the intensity of one, it can really tear you up.

Some people hate too much attention or a people crowding then..

Looks like now you know to have a nice small personal subtle dinner over candlelight over your own dining room table

I get the same, my boyfriend has had to learn my limits over our relationship. 2 and a half years and he can still make slip ups, but he's understanding. So, OP, if you're in it for the long haul don't worry you will learn.