By phuckbukket7 - 27/04/2014 22:08 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend out to a fancy restaurant for her birthday. I'd arranged beforehand for some of the staff to come out and sing happy birthday to her, but it all backfired when she started panicking and had a serious anxiety attack from all the attention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 670
You deserved it 8 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christge1beast 17

At least you did something special for her birthday. Sorry it had to go wrong.

Obviously she knew it was for her birthday, don't you think?


Sorry to hear that. I just get massively embarrassed. Next time you know better. I hope she's at least glad you tried.

Aw wow. Sorry things didn't work out for ya

bkearns 3

that guy is a dbag for using a weapon I hold dear as an intimidation tool. **** him

You intimidate your enemies with singing staff?

Did she have a better day afterward?

I hope she's okay. I've had an anxiety attack before and I was holding my nephew. It was horrible. Happy birthday to her and I hope she had a good birthday and that things got better. (:

She'll realize how good to have a sweet boyfriend

A little bit of a YDI if you knew she was prone to anxiety attacks. If you didn't, it was a super sweet gesture that I'm sure she'll recognize. So FML for the sweet plan gone wrong. Hope it works out

dancingprancer 6

Don't beat yourself up, my guess is that you didn't know that she would react like that. anxiety sure sucks, I know that personally! I hope you 2 had fun on her birthday after the dinner :)

Getting the restaurant staff to single somebody out and sing to them is the kind of thing you do to mess with your friends, not legitimately celebrate a birthday.