By not even getting any of her shrimp - 11/02/2014 21:50 - United States - Draper
Same thing different taste
First date going well
By johnfrank - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By blondetergent - 20/06/2011 08:12 - Singapore
By amilia - 07/11/2018 12:00
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By meatballz - 16/03/2010 04:28 - United States
By secret meat - 21/06/2014 02:04 - United States - Framingham
By Cow lover - 12/10/2016 14:13 - United States - Schenectady
By Anonymous - 04/01/2015 10:27 - Australia - Doncaster
Recycling at its finest
By Anonymous - 09/10/2022 16:30 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 17:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/08/2014 22:14 - Sweden - ?kersberga
Top comments
I know people that call themselves "vegetarians" but what they mean is they only eat chicken and fish, never red meat. Not sure if there's an actual name for them?
Dump her ass. She's clearly just a stuck up self righteous bitch. You can do better. And eating fish is not truly vegetarian so she's the dumbass here.
or she could just be on her period.
A lot of vegetarians will actually eat seafood, but some don't. It's their preference. And I'm not "stupid" because I have a 4.77 GPA and I'm ranked 74th in my class.
For such a high G.P.A. it's shocking that you used a comma when you didn't have two complete sentences.
It doesn't matter what your GPA and class rank is. You have the common sense of a shovel.
4.0 is the highest gpa if you had 4.77 you would not be 74th and grades in school are no measure of intelligence is a measure of knowledge and effort
42- what I've learned is GPAs show how well you memorize things, not necessarily understand them. I'm a good student, but I don't remember stuff from last year, because education now is mostly memorizing not understanding.
#90 I'm not standing up for 42 cause I don't like her (she comes of annoying and cocky) but if you have AP (advanced placement) classes you can have a higher GPA
You could be "intelligent" but that doesn't mean you lack common sense...
I think some schools go on a 5.0 scale. I've been out of high school for nearly ten years though, so my memory may be rusty. In any case, they did sound way too cocky and arrogant for being so incorrect. But I'm just a nothing waitress, what do I know? ;)
The Valedictorian at my graduating school had a 5.0 GPA because she took all advanced honour classes. J/S
high schools have both a weighted and unweighted GPA. Unweighted is out of 4, ans doesnt vary by class type. Weighted takes into account the type of class (level, pre-ap, ap, etc), and is out of 5.0, making it possible to have about a 4.
I'm not from the US. What on Earth is GPA/class ranking? And why is it relevant to a thread on vegetarianism?
GPA is a measure of work ethic, not intelligence... I was going to come up with a supporting example, but I mean, I'm already replying to one.
Nobody asked for your GPA and nobody cares. You could have a 100% average and still lack common sense
GPA means grade point average. She said that because she wants to come off as smart but it actually made her come off as self absorbed and lacking in common sense
# 42 you mean 74th out of 75 students obviously!
I'm a 'vegetarian' who still eats fish. I always have to explain and repeat myself when I say pescatarian, so I always say vegetarian because it's simpler. Either way, it doesn't matter if she uses a general term or a specific one for what she eats. It's her choice to not eat meat, so it's her choice if shrimp and fish are 'okay' or not.
Of course it's her choice, but she can't just randomly decide what constitutes meat and what doesn't. Fish is meat. Shrimp is meat. She can eat whatever the hell she wants, but I can see why OP would get peeved about basically being called dumb when he (rightly!) vegetarian = no meat.
Could you stop with that? Do you have any idea how often people try to feed me fish because of people like you? There are literally restaurants with the "v" sign next to a dish, and it comes with anchovies or some crap. Especially problematic are thai places where the fish is in the sauce, so there is no warning whatsoever. How does this happen? Ignorance. What causes ignorance? People like you spreading misinformation.
thats why catholics eat fish on fridays during lent. because its not meat...
No actually that is not why Catholics eat fish on Friday's. The real reason is that it is a symbolic gesture to Jesus Christ sacrificing his life (which was on a Friday). This led to fasting on Fridays which then led to only eating fish. There are different beliefs for why they picked fish: one being that fish was a poor man's food and red meat is considered a rich mans food which would be a more sincere gesture. Another common one is that warm blooded animals (like humans) sacrifice themselves to be eaten where cold blooded animals (fish) do not. In the end it is a symbolic gesture to Jesus Christ; not that Catholics believe fish is not meat.
Yes, I know about my religion. But im confused as how a whole entire religion can eat fish on meatless days but a vegetarian can't eat seafood because it is considered meat.
Religion doesn't always have to make sense, now, does it?
Well then you missed the point that I made... Vegetarians do not eat meat; it is accepted by those that follow the "rules" set by those that created the term "vegetarian"; no meat which includes seafood. Catholics don't have "non meat days", they eat fish rather than other meat during special times/celebrations because it is a tradition that was started a long time ago when fish was far more common (thus a poor mans food) than other meet (warm blooded animals were a luxury). It was considered more of a sacrifice to eat fish than to enjoy luxurious meat which is why it is considered a sacrifice.
Actually it's simply because one of the earlier popes made it so, because he was mates with a fisherman...
Sounds more like a fussy eater than a vegetarian to me.
Girlfriends will always call us stupid, whether we like it or not.
Since they are in a relationship and he took her out for a date... oh wait I def see where you're going with this... shame on you op for having a conversation with your girlfriend on your date didn't you know your not allowed to get to know your significant other better. tsk tsk

It's ok OP. You obviously have a brain or else you wouldn't have been able to post this.
The word she was looking for was pescatarian (the term for someone who eats fish meat but not any other kind of meat). So she was stupid to be arrogant in the first place, and doubly so for getting the term wrong.