By Anonyme - 12/02/2014 09:47 - France - Aigremont

Today, I watched the Sochi Winter Games online. Excited by an athlete's victory, I yelled out, "YEAH!" to 20-or-so silent coworkers. As if to redeem myself, I then said, "Don't pretend like you're all working you lot!" Our boss was right behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 263
You deserved it 38 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were your coworkers watching your boss watching you watching the Olympics?

You kind of deserved it, you know, because I'm pretty sure one is expected to work while at work


Considering I came here when it was on comment #8, I'm really curious what could of been said that got moderated SO fast. lol.

Were your coworkers watching your boss watching you watching the Olympics?

Nah they were watching the boss watching the olympics while he was watching the coworkers watching him watch OP watch the Olympics after watching his watch

Rainhawk94 27

Yo dawg i heard you like sochi Olympic games so we got your coworkers watching your boss watch you while you watched the game

Nastorrian 11

Plot twist: Olympics game was watching OP and his boss watching him watching Olympics.

In Sochi Russia, Olympics watch you! ;)

A boss checking on his employees isn't working? Interesting theory.

He could've easily been pretending to supervise his employees with the actual goal of watching TV himself. Or am I the only one who's had managers who are total wastes of space?

Thinking your manager is just a "waste of space" is a bad attitude to have. Yeah some don't do their job but that will usually bite them in the ass eventually. Managers who do their job though are a crucial part of a work team. If you were the manager I'm sure you'd think your position mattered.

You kind of deserved it, you know, because I'm pretty sure one is expected to work while at work

AnthonyWheeler15 24

That wasn't a great choice of words OP, especially in the workplace. Be more cautious!

While I agree you like sucks, you deserved it big time!! Goof off by all means but rule numer one; Don't get caught!!

Damn. Hope your boss understood, OP. Mine would of spontaneously combusted right then and there from pure anger.

The Olympics are an exciting time, but this is why there are things like TV on demand and PVRs. It's too bad your work doesn't let people watch them. We have 2 TVs in our office tuned in. It's not like the Olympics is a weekly thing.