By shellz15 - 15/12/2013 12:36 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I took my younger sister to see Santa for a photo. Santa insisted that I was in the photo too. I wasn't sure why he made such a big deal about it until he groped me while the photo was being taken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 416
You deserved it 3 870

shellz15 tells us more.

Hi all, OP here! I hope you're all having a fantastic festive season with your family and friends :)! I've read some interesting comments and just wanted to address a few things.... Firstly, I'm in my twenties and I'm midway through my law degree, so I'm quite aware of my rights (in australia for those of you who were unaware). More importantly, I did deal with this properly. At the store we went to, there were several rooms and each had a different Santa to make the process a little quicker. This is good because it meant that no other child saw what happened. When it did happen, I was pretty horrified but I kept my cool because I didn't want to alarm my young sister who was very excited to be there. After we left the room, I went up to the service counter and explained everything. The lady profusely apologized and I'm pretty sure this "Santa" was removed straight away. Although it was a massive FML moment and I definitely felt violated, as long as this doesn't happen to anyone else, I'm happy to erase this from my memory and move on! I've been assured that this man has lost his working with children check and hopefully won't be bothering anyone again! Warm wishes from Aus, Michelle

Top comments

kathryn14 19

Santa's going to be put on his own naughty list.


TW: SEXUAL ASSAULT Everyone who is turning this into a joke needs to stop. This is perpetuating rape culture and making people think it is okay/funny to molest, sexually assault or rape someone. OP should have gotten the hell away, taking their sister, and alerted the authorities of wherever they were. And also that's what you should do if you're ever in this situation.

We're not saying she shouldn't have done that but the situation has nothing to do with us and since OP doesn't seem to be emotionally scarred or anything why not make a joke of it.

I'm so sick of this "rape culture" shit. Do we have a "theft culture" because people thieve and occasionally joke about thieving? Do we have a "murder culture" because people murder and sometimes joke about murder? Hell no. Rape is a human thing, not a culture thing. No matter what the culture is like, people are still going to rape, because some people are just ******* evil. That's the way it's always been and that's the way it's always going to be. Hey, here's a novel idea. When somebody gets raped, let's blame the rapist, instead of this "blame society" bullshit. And furthermore, don't you think you're trivializing the issue of rape by equating it with this incident? OP is a grownup who got touched inappropriately outside of her clothing by an unexpected stranger. Yes, it's wrong, and yes, she should have reported it, and yes, this "Santa" needs to be fired, but let's not compare it to rape, okay? This site is supposed to be for humor, not raging about a stupid made-up politically motivated problem like "rape culture." If OP didn't want jokes made about what happened to her, then she shouldn't have posted it here.

52 - He has a very good point. See DocBastard's comments at #6 for a perspective-check.

Are you saying I have a good point or that 28 has a good point? While some people have made highly offensive and inappropriate jokes about rape, no 28 doesn't have a good point. If he had said, "Hey guys. Stop making jokes about rape. It's not funny and can be really upsetting to people who have been raped," then I'd agree with that statement. But to say that it contributes to a "rape culture" is wrong and furthermore, it actually makes matters worse when it comes to rape, because when judges start blaming the culture instead of individuals for crimes, they begin to view rapists as victims of a perverse society rather than as the monsters they are. Thus, judges give rapists lighter sentences, and think they can fix what's wrong with them by mandating therapy. Sadly, the result is that the rapist doesn't learn his lesson, and is let loose on the public, and he almost always rapes again.

It also.leads to otherwise respectable men assaulting women, and failing to understand what they are doing wrong, snd universities treating rape and sexual assault as "boys will be boys" and refusing to deal with or punish the perpetrators.

pwnman 33

At least he didn't climax, saying «FIRST BITCHES!»

RadicalViews 6

That sucks OP. Sorry that happened.

I just saw the first comment. That would've made for a great decking Santa. What a perv. Sorry that happened. And the asshole gets away with it because no one wants to confront Santa in front of their child. If you go to management of the place they'll have his name and you can file a complaint.

if this was in usa id smell a juicy sexual harassment lawsuit $$$

You clearly don't know the first thing about sexual harassment or lawsuits in general. The Santa could be arrested for this, but not sued.

sexual battery / assault +2 for the guy who researches 0 for your dense ass (ps in america you can sue someone for looking at you funny its ****** I know but thats the justice system)

You have the Santa arrested. You sue the store. They've probably got a lot more money to take than a single santa.

I would have complained to the store.

In Australia? Yeah, good luck with that :p They'll get "right on it" ;)

Ins0mau 20

What are you talking about Lochie?

Santa's a dirty old man who likes lap dances from children. C'mon, dude. Get them from 18year olds with daddy issues like the rest of us.

Like #1 said, punch him and in your defense you were defending yourself against Sexual Assault.

mxij 13

I think we found Perdix's new job

perdix 29

#44, job?!? You mean I could have been getting paid for it all these years? I've been working off my community service hours volunteering as a store Santa. I'd have racked up a lot more hours if Victoria's Secret didn't keep kicking me out.