By wendtinmypants - 31/05/2014 15:05 - United States - Omaha

Today, I took out my phone and realized I butt dialed my girlfriend and left her a 4 minute voicemail of me farting in an echoing toilet bowl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 906
You deserved it 9 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

I hate when that happens. At least when I'm doing it on purpose I can fart a catchy tune.

I thought that was "shitty situation".


i'm trying to put this into context,you farted for four minutes ,and she listened for that time too,she eiher very much loves you or watching your every move

robertmil90 10

oh man ... that sucks dude

If she's still with you after playing her voice mail she is a keeper!

leave her. no girlfriend should know what your fart sound like in a toilet bowl! 0.o

Peter Griffin vs Michael Moore vs Op

Could be ex butt called me when his mother was trying to give him the 'talk'. And one time when he was taking a dump...I still can't get the plop sound out of my head.

If she ends up thinking it was hilarious and you decide to tie the knot - make sure she know not to make it the groom's entrance song

dillpick88 17

Sounds like a shitty situation to me.