By Anonymous - 02/07/2013 05:24 - United States - Garden Grove

Today, I tried acid for the first time while camping with my best friend. A drunk driver smashed into my parked car, leaving it totaled. I had to explain the situation to a cop, all while thinking my car was bleeding green ooze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 301
You deserved it 68 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GuessWhatKids 13

If it was leaking antifreeze, then technically it was.


Did the cop notice that you were eyeing your car funny?

Dont complain on FML, YDI, moral of the story, dont do acid

FML was basically made for people complaining about their lives because their lives suck.

Would you explain to me what her doing acid had to do with get car getting smashed? Saying moral of the story implies that the bad thing in the story (her car getting totaled) was caused by her doing acid, which it wasn't. Taking to cops while tripping sucks, but it doesn't seem to be what people here are saying she "deserves".

ShinedownLuv 14

Was it completly the drunk drivers fault? I dont think you can drive safely while on acid

It reads like she wasn't driving so I'm gonna say a drunk hit her parked car

At least you were out somewhere safe to indulge. Not your fault the other guy chose to get ****** up and still drive. I don't see anything wrong with making your own choices, regardless of whether they're right or not, as long as you're not harming others.

imtooshy 18

Really, how is THIS a fml for you?! Acid isn't cool, it's as dumb as drinking and driving. I hope this experience smartened you up somewhat.

flashback.miss 28

How could you not deserve this?!

ApollosMyth 22

Oh you know, since it was in no way the OP's fault that their car got totalled.

Korosuhito 26

Hope the trip was worth the fall.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

I thought that was a clever response 25. guess others didn't.. oh well thumbs up on my side. :)

Well that was easy! I only had to read the first 4 words to know which button I should click... YDI, my friend.

So much for being objective and not judgemental. I see the FML is devided on the subject of drugs.

I'm just saying everybody knows what drugs are and that they only lead to trouble. If you do drugs anyway, I'm not going to feel bad for you.

Hmm.. Tell that to the guy who figured out the double helix nature of DNA....on acid. And Carl Sagan, who made many of his observations regarding politics and the universe while high on marijuana.

What drugs are... I have to assume that people who say this honestly don't know what "drugs" are. I mean there is a myraid of substances, some more harmfull than others but just saying all drugs ruin your life is plain ignorant. I mean even caffiene is in essence a drug.

tehdarkness 21

Ooh that's the worst!! Weird stuff always seems to happen when you do acid...