By Anonymous - 02/07/2013 05:24 - United States - Garden Grove

Today, I tried acid for the first time while camping with my best friend. A drunk driver smashed into my parked car, leaving it totaled. I had to explain the situation to a cop, all while thinking my car was bleeding green ooze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 301
You deserved it 68 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GuessWhatKids 13

If it was leaking antifreeze, then technically it was.


Well at least you were trippin major ballsack OP! it's unfortunate what kinds of things happen now days.

Don't do too much drugs OP :/ I can't have a go at you for trying it but remember what they teach you at school... Drugs = Messed up brain + Prison/Jail

Only certain drugs give you a messed up brain. Certain drugs you shouldn't even think of using. I am sure you can think of those. I never tried LSD as I find it scary ( I prefer shrooms) but you sure as hell won't **** your brain with it in just a few times. And that you go to jail is because of the stupid law, not the drug itself. Hell, in the USA you even go to jail for a plant which grows in the wild (Cannabis) in some states. Glad I live in the Netherlands. :)

Why would you drive under the influence of acid?

he wasnt he said they were camping so he was probably doing the acid then have a nice night under the stars

It's messed up how many claim he deserved it. So because he used drugs, he deserved some guy totalling his car, wich he was not driving??? Ignorant bunch of *******. Drugs arent a good thing.. But this guy didnt deserve getting his car totaled, just because he tried something out...

I don't think people want him to die but he did have it coming for him.

She made a stupid decision, and then she had to face the negative consequences of that decision. She deserves it.

pinguino3669_fml 23

The drunk driver could've been you, only drugged up; take this as a lesson and go clean. It could save a life :)

Axel5238 29

I've had friends that considered themselves recreational users stuff like pot and other things. They didn't consider it a drug and or didn't consider it as bad compared to drinking and they eventually slid down hill. Lot of them started as weekend users, but after a while were getting it worse and worse because it's not like they were drinking it isn't as bad so what could happen?. They started doing it more and more I've had to cut off too many friends to their "recreational use" got worse.

pinguino3669_fml 23

You're proving my point. Giving in the to constant urge, whether medical or recreational, to use drugs or drink can have severely negative effects on a persons's life--both physical and social.

Axel5238 29

I know, my idea wasn't to disagree with you. People tend to view it differently because "it's not as bad". I agree it won't kill you or anywhere close, but because of that people don't treat it like it's something that could endanger others if someone was stoned while driving. I actually had a former friend tell me smoking a bowl or 2 before driving was the same as having 2 beers with a meal at a restaurant and affects you just as much. I don't care if someone smokes a few bowls on the weekend and plays COD, but the mentality that goes with it I'm not a fan of and it seems like this thought is becoming more common.

This FML led to one big fight! I feel sorry for you OP. The green stuff is never good!

Driving while under the influence whether it is alcohol of other substances is stupid. This time you crashed into each other next time it might be a innocent family. YDI