By Anonymous - 02/07/2013 05:24 - United States - Garden Grove

Today, I tried acid for the first time while camping with my best friend. A drunk driver smashed into my parked car, leaving it totaled. I had to explain the situation to a cop, all while thinking my car was bleeding green ooze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 301
You deserved it 68 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GuessWhatKids 13

If it was leaking antifreeze, then technically it was.


aubreybradt 9

You are all so incredibly ignorant.. I bet you think weed kills too. -___-

Today I tried acid... yeah you deserve it.

183, I'd love to hear you try to justify that statement.

Nothing wrong with using a mind-altering drug in the middle of nature - once in a while -. I don't know why everybody here has the urge to whip OP for that, while saying nothing about the real idiot here, the drunk driver. Alcohol is ok, but LSD is fromt he devil? Come on.

Maybe if you weren't so ignorant you'd know alcohol is actually worse for your system than LSD? To top it off, OP was not driving when his car was hit. Next you're probably gonna try to convince me that marijuana gives people aids and makes them gay?

that sux wasn't even your fault. sorry for the bad trip. haha

I was tripping on acid a long time ago and had to talk to cops. It sucks. A lot.

Your car was oozing a green substance it's called anti-freeze!

You deserve it you idiot, don't do acid but I feel bad for you.

irishgal13 5

you're driving while on acid? YDI for being an idiot and you probably had some part in the accident you just didn't know because you were tripping so bad.

Wow, it's not like op was being immoral. Acid, what's wrong with anyone trying a little sid? I'm hoping all the commenters waste away from a case of the fuckits, due to there own uninspired, Facebook soaked lives. You go, op, keep stepping on those leprechauns! Boo-yah!

If you think the only options in life are facebook or acid, I feel sorry for you.

There's nothing immoral about experimenting with drugs. There is something immoral about experiencing with drugs and driving. Even more immoral to try to bitch when someone just as irresponsible wrecks into you.