By Uncomfortable - 17/05/2013 07:21

Today, I tried on a new perfume. When my boyfriend hugged me, he commented that I smelled like his mom. I don't know who was more surprised by the simultaneous bulge in his pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 774
You deserved it 5 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I once heard your mom is your first true love, but on a more serious note he probable was horny from the smell of the perfume use his sexual attraction towards you,


nattynatters 14

On a somewhat related note; why is it acceptable to say "who's your daddy?" when "who's your mommy?" is creepy?

As far as I'm concerned, who's your daddy isn't acceptable either.

yeah, really. if i guy asks me "who's your daddy?", i'll say my dad's name and get the **** out of there.

Just wait until you spank him, just like mom used to when he was a bad, bad little boy! :P

You're upset that you turned him on?

angelofmusic113 9

I think she was upset because she thinks it was his Mom who turned him on.

yousuck44 11

Shouldn't it be a good thing he's horny for you? So why is this an FmL anyway.

upallnight11 19

Looks like he's very fond of his mother.

Your perfume didn't have extracts of onion did it?

OP, I see some very interesting role playing possibilities here involving that perfume, blindfolding your BF, and some mom-acting on your part.... There's at least one more FML that I'll bet you could come up with if you play your mom-cards right!!