By Uncomfortable - 17/05/2013 07:21

Today, I tried on a new perfume. When my boyfriend hugged me, he commented that I smelled like his mom. I don't know who was more surprised by the simultaneous bulge in his pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 774
You deserved it 5 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I once heard your mom is your first true love, but on a more serious note he probable was horny from the smell of the perfume use his sexual attraction towards you,


Now his mom will remind him of you and he may pitch random tents for his mom. lose lose lose all around.

perdix 29

You are the only one who is surprised. He's pretending to be surprised to cover up the shame of his secret getting out.

This sounds like something that a movie should be written about... Then again it probably has already been done...

Modern perfume is meant to include some sort of hormone stimulants, isn't it?

Men often react to musk in perfumes. I guess the male musk deer is quite a sexy smelling animal :P

Ok, I know this will get very disliked but I need to know what OP stands for. Thank you, and sorry for wasting your time lol b

TweetAnne 13
Iknoweverything 29

You know, many people figure this out WITHOUT asking on the boards... guess too many people are too helpless to use google. (FYI, the answer shows up on the first page) If you're old enough to use the internet, you're old enough to know how to figure things out for yourself.

Maybe he was already hard beforehand.

ViviMage 38

Just start calling him Oedipus Rex.

RedPillSucks 31

That's one bonafide oedipal situation right there.