By nopenopenopenope - 23/09/2016 03:28 - United States - Winston Salem

Today, I tried to have a relaxing soak in the tub. The giant wolf spider that was already in the tub didn't like me trying to set it free outside. It ran right across my feet and back into my house when I dumped it out of a cup outside. I screamed like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 682
You deserved it 2 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bobby319 24
Shay_Shay97 23

I would've just straight up cried if I saw that thing. But if it ran across my leg? Oh hell no, it's time to amputate.


I submitted an FML like this a while back. In it, I had filled up a bath and had just gotten in when a spider fell in. Being highly arachnophobic, I drained the tub. Only after I drained it did I realize that it was a ball of lint.

Reading this made me cringe. I'd probably scream louder...

I'm surprised you bothered to try and set it free. Wolf spiders are pretty venomous, and can be aggressive, too. I would have smashed it, personally.

I had a similar giant spider-bathtub experience a few weeks ago, except I just murdered the damn thing.

I guess it's that time of year. I've had to evict two large wolf spiders from the bathtub in the last week... or maybe it's the same one..

species4872 19

Mmm when I read giant wolf spider i was sure that she was going to say that it ran up to the edge of the bath, whistled and winked at her.

Now imagine someone screaming really low pitched

Hairspray and lighter... If you go all out gangster, they won't crawl back...