This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 20/09/2017 08:26

Today, I tripped & hit my head on the concrete at school. The back of my head absorbed all the impact. I went to see the nurse & he was the most unhelpful, rude person I’ve ever met. I got no ice, he yelled at me, complained, and kept asking why I was crying. Why the hell do you think I am? FML
I agree, your life sucks 51
You deserved it 8

Top comments

Yeah, time to talk to the principal, and possible the school board... after you go to the doctor and get examined for concussion and risk of brain bleeds. Some people shouldn't be allowed in the medical field. Others shouldn't be allowed near children. This guy manages to be a big enough of asshole failure to be both.


Yeah, time to talk to the principal, and possible the school board... after you go to the doctor and get examined for concussion and risk of brain bleeds. Some people shouldn't be allowed in the medical field. Others shouldn't be allowed near children. This guy manages to be a big enough of asshole failure to be both.