By owned - 28/04/2009 14:12 - Singapore

Today, I turned 18. My parents gave me a card that read "now that you're 18, it's time for some boozy fun... you can do all the things you did before but legally!" Taped to the inside was my fake id that I "lost" three months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 277
You deserved it 66 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never understood why people couldn't just wait until 18 to drink/smoke/etc. It's not exactly like waiting until you're 65 to retire. =/

your parents seems to be funny. thumps up!


mother_green7 0

*sigh* americans... why do i still live here?

Riotous 0

#70 and #75 Actually, you're both wrong. In certain states, it is in fact LEGAL for a minor to drink as long as their parents are there/say they can. Usually it's only in the household... like in Wisconsin. In someplace like, Florida, however, it's entirely illegal under 21 no matter what. It really just depends on the state. AND Certain places in the US the drinking age is 18. Not in the continental US, but the USVI (US Virgin Islands) the drinking age is 18. Also, who says the OP didn't get punished? I can see my parents doing something like this... and I'm not saying the OP WAS punished but if my parents found a fake ID I had or something and then gave it to me in a card that way I'd KNOW I was in trouble that would just be their little clever way of showing me I was dead meat.

aupilot 0

To everyone boo-hooing about "It could be worse, you could live in the U.S., where the drinking age is 21": It could be worse, you could live somewhere that's dry. Like Saudi Arabia, for example.

blapimp182 0

How is this an fml? Your parents seem cool... at least laid back

BigMac_fml 0

This isn't an FML, this is straight up win. At least it is if you're American.

#67 and #72, it varies between states. Here in Florida, I can get arrested for being 19 and pushing the cart at the supermarket if it has beer in it, even if my parents are the ones who will purchase and consume it. Ridiculous, but at least it means someone else has to push the cart.

#18: I can beat with 16 in Germany ;)