By rexob - 04/02/2009 15:51 - United States
rexob tells us more.
thanks for all those who are genuinely concerned...i really appreciate it. i'm hanging in there, and hopefully my sister will be alright. we've been to therapy and i think it's helped her, but i don't know how this will come up later in life for us. again, i really appreciate those of you who took this seriously.
Top comments
kil that sob
I hope
I hope
Pass the bottle plz
Wow thats jacked up! You've gotta be scarred for life
I agree with all the rest. They don't have their OWN cameras?
I don't know how old you are, my first sympathy was towards the 12 year old screaming girl, but it has got to be seriously scarring for both of you. Sorry to hear, that's horrible. :-/