By sadcase - 12/04/2011 14:01 - Australia

Today, I used my hair straightener to attempt to straighten my eyelashes and burned my eyelid. I don't know what's sadder, that fact I thought it would be fun, or that I was stupid enough to think I wouldn't hurt myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 255
You deserved it 138 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Painful .. but YDI for trying to straighten your eyelashes! For FUN?


OMG, now I have a strange urge to straighten my eyelashes!!

what's sadder is you are stupid enough to try it Y to the D to the I...

hcovballer247 0

ur a ******* moron. you deserved that one. just use freakin mascara

there is something seriously, seriously wrong with you.

wow. i don't even know what to say...stupid

dude we all do really stupid things.. don't beat yourself up

sydneybatch 4

what? were you high? YDI for being that big of an idiot

AmericanGirl69 0

this is why mascara was invented. YDI, & op you should get that checked.

I still can't get over the fact that you even ATTEMPTED to do something that stupid. Have fun explaining to those around you about those blisters! YDI.