By sadcase - 12/04/2011 14:01 - Australia

Today, I used my hair straightener to attempt to straighten my eyelashes and burned my eyelid. I don't know what's sadder, that fact I thought it would be fun, or that I was stupid enough to think I wouldn't hurt myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 255
You deserved it 138 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Painful .. but YDI for trying to straighten your eyelashes! For FUN?


omg. who wants straight eyelashes? at what point did u realize that this was a bad idea?

luckielucyy 0

When she burned herself! Can't you read? lmao ^_^

A100893 30

You so dumb. You are really dumb. 'Fo realz.

as soon as I saw the "I tried to straighten my eyelashes with a hair straightener" I clicked YDI with out reading the rest haha

Kattt0908 0

wow. I wish I could vote "you deserved it" more than once, cause this is the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life.

okay even I'm not dumb enough to do that.

what a great idea. haven't you ever heard of an eyelash curler.

Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday!

missykrissy1984 0

i bought i new flat iron recently it had a warning sticker not attempt to use on eyelashes i thought whsy kind of moronvwould do that? i guessbthe warning sticker is appropriate. YDI

you are literally the biggest ******** why would you even try that??? no common sense!