By sadcase - 12/04/2011 14:01 - Australia

Today, I used my hair straightener to attempt to straighten my eyelashes and burned my eyelid. I don't know what's sadder, that fact I thought it would be fun, or that I was stupid enough to think I wouldn't hurt myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 255
You deserved it 138 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Painful .. but YDI for trying to straighten your eyelashes! For FUN?


nynjapyrate 0

seriously?!? are u REALLY that dumb??

splarf1991 0

proper grammar would be suffice

Hey next time just pour some gasoline over your Hess

maidenandwhat 0

why would you want straight lashes?! haha I'm putting YDI & FYL cuz sucks, but it wasn't very smart.. haha

X_psychopanda_X 2