By sadcase - 12/04/2011 14:01 - Australia

Today, I used my hair straightener to attempt to straighten my eyelashes and burned my eyelid. I don't know what's sadder, that fact I thought it would be fun, or that I was stupid enough to think I wouldn't hurt myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 255
You deserved it 138 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Painful .. but YDI for trying to straighten your eyelashes! For FUN?


bytch69blvd 3

YOU are a friggan dumb@$$! You absolutely deserved that one...and more!

foot_rape_salad 0

dumb ass you ruined the joke. now go die.

ThatLooksSticky 16

You are the stupidest person ever. EVER.

What did you think would happen dumbass?

For the sake of humanity, get your tubes tied.

xlibrax 0

Seriously? You really thought that would be fun? And that you wouldn't get hurt? Hmm, let's see, buy an eyelash comb and comb them straight. -.- you fail, and you deserved whatever happened as a result of your foolishness.

melatonone 0
cruforlife 5

for someone like boners i didn't think this was a great joke, just saying, because i usually love laughing at his comments... this one fell flat to me