By IntrepidPig - 10/04/2016 04:32 - United States - Albany

Today, I waited 7 hours for my mom to come home and give me my computer back. 15 minutes after she got home, I remembered that I had hidden my computer myself so she wouldn't take it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 19 876

IntrepidPig tells us more.

Hi guys. I have some explaining to do. First off, she thought she had taken my computer as well. She was looking for it when she got home, trying to remember where she put it. Now, when she got home, I decided to put my pajamas on. As I went in my clothes drawer, I wondered if I would hide it there, then I decided I would hide it behind my bookshelf instead. This triggered a memory of me deciding not to hide it behind my bookshelf because it would be too perfect, thus too obvious. I then remembered where I hid it, walked over with such a feeling of idiocy, and found it. I completely deserved this

Top comments

You shouldn't have hidden it so well...

crazy_bananas 31

The real question now is, why does your mom take away your computer?


So like the usual parent and child relationship.

How old are you? Why is your mother taking your computer?

Maybe she needs it for her job and can't spare the money to buy her own.

I think that's a great assumption #24! In fact, my mom uses my tablet and phone a lot. Of course, she also paid for them.

Could keep quiet, if mom thought she lost yours, she would replace it.... Then she would, buy herself one.... No need to share...

Really, #25? Ladies and Gents, this is why the younger generation keeps on being labeled as entitled/generation ME!

Oh noes. Seven hours without a computer. Whatever will you do?

well hopefully you spend the day doing something productive other than just waiting doing nothing

Mungolikecandy 19

Marijuana can play havoc with your memory (just a guess at why their computer was at risk of being taken away).

Lmao I do this all the time (the hiding computer part)