By So little trust. - 12/07/2013 23:18 - Canada - Coaldale

Today, I walked in on my daughter hugging and sobbing into her Edward Cullen cut-out. She won't tell me what's wrong, yet she can confide in a creepy fictional stalker whose facial expression is locked to "chronically constipated". Where did I go wrong? FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 467
You deserved it 7 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eliseopwns 22

Teenage fads... Not your fault. A good laugh for her future self, you know?

tjv3 10

Well you started going wrong when you allowed a cardboard cut out of Edward Cullen into your house


Shandra78 9

Remember Louis and Lestat? Same crap different generation. She'll grow out of it. Personally, I think Pattison's face looks like a foot with hair sticking out of the toes...

monnanon 13

how dare you!!!! lol seriously though the vampire chronicles were well written and the characters had substance. cant say i ever cried into a lifrsize cut out of armand or yelled and threatened to kill people who didnt like the series.

sweetlilly1812 6

She is a hormonal teen, cut her some

I'm pretty sure you went wrong by letting her watch/read Twilight, a story where pedophilia, necrophilia, **********, and stalking are considered romantic and ok

Damned_Architect 25

This reminds me of my sister who in her awkward tween years used to confide her deepest thoughts to her Johnny Depp poster from "21 Jump Street"! Young girls speaking to paper images of strange (yet good looking) young men isn't that rare; It's kinda kooky, but an otherwise harmless way of venting. Besides OP, you probably don't want to know your daughters' angst anyway.

jw90 18

I think maybe it's time to take the cut-out away from her. Hopefully that'll give her incentive to talk to you. Good luck OP.

Why does she even have a cardboard cut-out? There are only a small number of people in the world that can own a cardboard cut-out without being creepy - an emotionally compromised teenage girl is not one of them.

And that's why we make sure girls read something besides twilight

When you let her watch Twilight. Kidding aside, I'm sure it's just a phase and she'll realize how silly she was acting. Don't stress over it, OP.

glad to know i'm not the only one who think Edward Cullen look constipated