By need € for new iron - 16/05/2013 19:49 - Germany - Gevelsberg

Today, I walked in on my sister masturbating with my curling iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 537
You deserved it 6 746


autumnt_504 1

She's a crazy skezzin ass bitch. What the mother ****?

DoughtyPine 1

Warning: External use only, now we know why that's printed on there

Looks like somebody Just got burned. (horatio cane) YEAHHHHHHHH

Please tell me she didn't ask you if you wanted it back. Make her buy you a new one. Replace any other objects she could use like this and hide the new ones.

U shuld turn it on XD just ti get pay back

Marineman23 3

Ouch. Dude, don't ever use that. If you do. And that would hurt, wouldn't it?