By need € for new iron - 16/05/2013 19:49 - Germany - Gevelsberg

Today, I walked in on my sister masturbating with my curling iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 537
You deserved it 6 746


She can fit that thing in her.... Damn.

thatghostdude 9

I hate when people say they deserved it when they really didn't. What did she do that lead up to her sister using her hair care products to pleasure herself!!!!

Win, win. It works for her and you don't need any hair products...

aaawwwwww hide the new one you buy !

Apathetic_Alan 2

curling iron, it doesn't just curl your hair... it can make your toes curl too.

That is sexy. This turns me on soooo much!

ratchet58 4

So that's why they say external use only I never would gave that someone w is that stupid