By What the fuck, son? - 11/05/2013 16:21 - Netherlands - Amerongen

Today, I walked in on my son trying to carve a bong out of a watermelon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 427
You deserved it 7 843

Same thing different taste


That would actually be kinda awesome.

perdix 29

If you notice a cucumber missing, you're going to want to knock before going into his room.

he did it so he could eat the evidence after he acquired the munchies.

MsMourningStar 22

Parenting. You're doing it right lmao

He should just go buy one if he lives in the Netherlands

Great job, just gotta say, great job

your son is awesome lol.... hella creative

What'd he think it would make for an artsy picture that he could post on Instagram?

It was quite smart of him... Its like a deal: 2 for 1, use the bong then eat it!! For the price of one!^.^