By What the fuck, son? - 11/05/2013 16:21 - Netherlands - Amerongen

Today, I walked in on my son trying to carve a bong out of a watermelon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 427
You deserved it 7 843

Same thing different taste


Watermelon flavoured weed, sounds good

HannahBee1017 9

Psh, do or do not, there is no try.

How did you know it was a bong, huh? o.o

Thats like someone using a hefty bag for a can still work!

Should've used the watermelon for vodka, not weed!

I know, what the ****?? A coconut works WAY better!

After i saw you are from the Netherlands, i was not suprised.

hendy_steve 0

Why is everyone saying what to make it out of just buy a bong