By meeks123 - 20/06/2012 05:03 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, I was arrested for drinking in public. It was my friend who was drinking; I was taking the alcohol from her so she wouldn't be arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 013
You deserved it 5 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

Ouch bad luck OP. Shouldn't they test to see if you've been drinking? That hardly seems fair...

At least you tried? This is almost like the saying "good friends bail you out of jail, best friends sit beside you and say "we ****** up". But in this case... You got screwed over. Sorry OP


hateevryone 14

Oooh don't you just love cops?

13scarlett13 4
megamandude455 10

You should've just explained that to the police.

Well if u r completely sober i dont think they can pin amything on you.

Take a breathalyzer test to prove you weren't drinking... Right?

Classic switch up...I'm usually the one that hands the beer over and doesn't get the MIP

Im going through to be a police officer, and if you say that you weren't drinking and that you were only taking the bottle from her because you didn't want her to drink, they should be fine with it. If they aren't, then take a breathalyzer. If he insists after that then that cops a prick