By Asian - 07/02/2016 19:03 - United States - Clover

Today, I was asked to prove that I was Chinese by translating the phrase, "Ching chong ming chang ho". I'm not even Chinese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 951
You deserved it 1 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deathstroke990 22

@everyone asking for op to translate it: it doesn't mean anything, its a pejorative phrase used by racist idiots to mock the Chinese language.

ourtneyc 14


jeeze, sounds like ******* Hartsville.

Just typed it into google translate, it doesn't translate to anything

AdamTodddBrown 11

You know if you'd just said "it mean egg roll almost ready" and had a laugh you could've been over and done with that in a second.

Humoring the racists is not an acceptable solution. That just reinforces that what they did was okay when it's not.

When the OP stated I am not Chinese, I am guessing she is of an another Asian ancestry ( Korean, Japanese, etc). Still ignorant of the guy though.

I think the more sensitive approach would be "papers, please."

I'm from SC, and know that racism is alive and well! I'm sorry that you had to deal with this!

I think they weren't actually trying to make you translate it...they were trying to find a "creative" way in being racist. But still, I'm Chinese and I laughed so hard at this post XDDD but I hate it when people imitate my language like that.

For those wondering, that actually translates to "go f yourself"