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By Manstobe92 - 16/11/2009 07:32 - United States

Today, I went to pick my date up at her house. When I got to the door, her dad answered. We talked for a little bit and he told me to take his 1958 Corvette. I politely refused and he told me, "If I can trust you with my daughter, I can trust you with my car." I crashed into his mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 655
You deserved it 40 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiny_cactus 0

At that point, you might as well have just had your way with the daughter. Your relationship with her dad is pretty irreparable.

Should of said...thats how hard i'm gonna HIT THAT and drove off full speed.


FYL Usually only females do this kind of thing " poor driving " your a discrace to the male species and therefore you should become a transvestite. Thankyou

cut off your meat and two veg and throw them in the oceans, so that some poor jelly-fish can have the cajones and become more of a man than you are.

SZeth_fml 0
GreenDaemon21 0

completely true. did u kno that 93% of all mailboxes knocked down by cars are from women drivers? yea. states shud stop issuing drivers licneses to women.

DragonitePaladin 6

that's really harsh, don't you think? and FYI, that's a really sexist gender stereotype and trust me.... I can safely say that I've seen more men drive like the retarded dips*** that they are. In my opinion, women are probably safer drivers than men. How many accidents have men been in that killed them? Unsafe driving.... racing... drunk..... But you don't have to agree with me. This is my opinion and i can as biased as you are being from my POV >.>

the thing is women are inferior to men in general

delete uallsuckatlife16's account! this person is beyond rude! you cannot be allowed to say that!


DragonitePaladin 6

get the hell out of the conversation if you can't understand the maturity or figure of speech people are using. Where exactly are they being sexist? If you can't understand the way we're talking then don't pitch in; you'll only make yourself look stupid morons.

Well, think about it... he's probably never picked this girl up before, so he's at a new house. And now he's driving a car he's never driven before. Hitting the mailbox sucks balls, but it's not a YDI moment.. Sucks for you OP, hopefully next time the father will agree when you refuse to drive his car.

@ #67 Woah kindness, calm down and clean the sand out of your vag. They are just words. Remember the nursery rhyme, "sticks and stones..." You dumb bitch. See? The last three words didn't hurt because they're just words. :)

Kindness, read the fml rules, u can pretty much say whatever u want within reason

tiny_cactus 0

At that point, you might as well have just had your way with the daughter. Your relationship with her dad is pretty irreparable.

inconvienentgurl 0

at least he wont kill you you hurt his daughter like that you might... do something nice for the dad so that you can start the make up process :)

slim_g17 0

Ummmm... I'm pretty sure that is justification for murder in my book...

greenltrn2003 0

#44 you're completly right. 58 vette? far from anything picked up in a used car lot

blindwhisper 0

this is hilarious =) well, he insisted that u took his car, so he shouldn't be angry about it. if both u and the girl are fine, just take your own car next time :)

Should of said...thats how hard i'm gonna HIT THAT and drove off full speed.

reborn296 0

i clearly remember seeing this in a movie before. Obviously someone thought it was funny, and thought that theyd put it up here... But its from a movie guys.

JayDude132 0

fake. who in their right mind would let anyone drive their '58 vette?

peroxideprincess 0

what's next? you'd hit HER mailbox too? :P

Fake as fake can be. Fakest FML ever. Even the people that own a 58 vette don't drive em. No way they're gonna let someone they never met, that hasn't been driving very long drive it while they're SURE to be distracted. Much less MAKE someone drive it after they politely decline the offer. Mods be tokin again... EXHALE DUDES!!!!!

Make sure the FMLs you approve comply with common logic.

GreenDaemon21 0

FAKE! Only women crashes into mailboxes, and they do it quite often might I add