By danimal_crackerz - 03/08/2015 17:26 - United States - Coventry
danimal_crackerz tells us more.
Hi, it's the OP here. I'd just like to say, thanks for all the laughs in the comments, may have made the trip down to the ER worth it. Looks looks like no kind of coffee is in my future, after this happening my first time trying it, after being prodded by an older sibling who brought me (to the bar). I'm sure this will be a story to laugh about for years to come - and a lesson to all: move the cup first. ?
Top comments
Nothing like burning crotch
You aren't wrong.
That's what happens when you order coffee at a bar (; (well, depending on the type of bar)
That's a spicy meat-aball
I feel for you! Hot beverages give the nastiest burns :(
Sounds like you're gonna need some ice for that burn. Sorry OP, hope it didn't hurt too bad!
That was incredibly dumb and unprofessional of the waitress. Get well soon OP :-)
I don't think it was either of those things just a clumsy miscommunication. Sucks for the OP and the waitress, imo.
Miscommunication? What, did she think he said "Please spill the hot coffee on my crotch"?
Miscommunication as in she through the OP wanted the refill then and there and didn't expect them to move the cup. But I agree, wrong word choice, just an accident. (: Especially if it was super busy I've seen waitresses/waiters get flustered and I feel bad cause some people are rude and angry (not saying the OP was).
I think it was poor judgement on the waitress's part should not try to pour coffee into a cup that is on someone's lap ask them to move it or give it to her to pour it's like asking for an accident cause what of someone bumped into her elbow from behind? also, is this a coffee bar? cause I don't usually drink coffees at a bar..
just because you don't doesn't mean other people don't. it could be been the counter at a diner, a coffee bar, or a regular bar.
Maybe she can give it a get well kiss to feel better. Those help op haha.
It's ok, I keep coffee on my junk too.
Great balls of fire.
as a former barista , rule of thumb.. always pour the hot coffee in the cup, no one deserves a burning hot crotch .

did she apologetically wipe it off?
I feel for you! Hot beverages give the nastiest burns :(