By outsmartedbykids - 28/05/2014 16:28 - United States - Lake Mills

Today, I was at a buffet with my kids and husband. As my boys got up to get more food, I told them they'd better come back with something green on their plate. They both came back with mint ice cream and got a high-five from my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 635
You deserved it 30 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rosebudx 32

At least you've taught them to listen closely.


penguin_bitchez 15

I'm failing to see why this is an fml..

One of my boys tried the same thing. Came back with green m&m's from the dessert bar. Tried to tell me it was fried okra! Gotta love em.

You deserved it for going to a buffet, the most unhealthy and unsanitary means of eating. Those greens wouldn't be worth much.

HA!! Your boys are on their way to becoming excellent politicians. Techincalities win the day again!

To quote a popular 80s movie: Why is everything 'heavy' in the future? No, really, why can't people be a little more positive and stop seeing the bad in everything. How about being happy and enjoying a nice day with the family? How about being proud of your obviously not so dumb kids? Some people (for a reason that I don't really understand mostly women) really do have 'first world problems' - the OP should go to 9gag.

winimy 8

That's not an FML ... that's a "parenting done right". You have taught your children to think creatively and critically. They've raised the bar in this battle of wits, now it's your turn to rise to that challenge (which will continue to build up their intellectual prowess ... and might help yours as well).

sounds like my dad. he would of done the same