
By smth - 06/07/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I was babysitting. The kids were thirsty, so I poured them both a cup of the green juice I'd found in a jug in their fridge. They downed it in a flash. It wasn't until later on after I'd poured myself a cup and taken a sip, I realized I had given them margarita mix. The kids are 4 and 2. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 362
You deserved it 58 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimkims 0

I think that would kind of be the parent's fault. If the kids are that young they shouldn't just have it sitting in the fridge. Though, it is partially OP's fault also. Who gives kids random green juice from the fridge? Shouldn't you have at least tasted it first?

truslide 0

margarita mix has no alcohol in it. Its just concentrate. they are fine


just because it was mix doesnt mean it was actually acohol that you gave them.

Kyothine 0

#35, what does your comment have to do with the first comment? Stop being an attention ***** and just deal with your comment being 35th.

grimmelok 0

Hahah, jeez why do you people give a ****? Big freegin deal!

Whats wrong with that? Magarita mix is just juice that you add tequila or other liquor to... it doesn't have any alcohol itself... I fail to see why this is an FML.

yea i actually try it sometimes and Im 15. not FML material

#107 your a youngboul. step up your game and start drinkin nigga lol.

Amphysvena 11

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yeah, margarita mix isnt alcoholic. havent you ever had a margarita

Saromo 0

You forgot to point out "your" instead of "you're". Or maybe you figured it was over whip.

Epic_Phale615 0

#35 your a bit of an idiot... parents out of the house enouh to need a baby sitter, hmm i wonder what they do when they see each other. and you are an attention ***** because your comment was not relative to number 1's.

hellokittywhore 0

me too ( failing to see the FML) at least it didn't have alchohol in it, it's quite good either way

noobgang7 5

Ok, none of your comments have to do with #1's, so quit flaming #35 - Mine has nothing to do with 1's but I just wanted to clear that up.

Utah is a Mormon state. So wouldn't the margarita mix be alcohol free? I heard you couldn't even buy alcohol in Utah.

blackfire_fml 0

What if it was radioactive waste?

Too bad radioactive material is usually silver.

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That's not what the comic books tell me, ergo you fail :-) I must say that if I see a random green liquid I'm going to wonder WTF this is before considering giving it to anything to imbibe...but then Kool-Aid is not a regular part of my life, and I would never have thought of that :-P But yeah, the parents suck for not labeling that at all, as has been said before.

wildcherrybanana 2
hecuva 0

Also probably not stored in a random "jug" in the fridge

Hahahahahah LOL @2. And HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH LMAO at everyone else who failed to see that s/he was being funny :)

wickeddrummajor 0

ya never know, ppl are messed up these days

hijueputa 0
dimkims 0

I think that would kind of be the parent's fault. If the kids are that young they shouldn't just have it sitting in the fridge. Though, it is partially OP's fault also. Who gives kids random green juice from the fridge? Shouldn't you have at least tasted it first?

Where the hell else are they supposed to keep cold liquid?

zaussome 0
chimmy 0

It's probably not alcoholic, but yeah, OP should not just give kids random "juice"

Seti_fml 0

was it just the liqueur or was there tequila already in there? The way its written makes it seem like it could have had no alcohol in it, in which case it wouldn't even be a big deal at all.

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Seti_fml 0

no there wouldn't... it would just be the mix you put the tequila into, which is often kept separate from the tequila when storing it.

Why would they post an FML if it DIDNT have alcohol in it? Obviously it did otherwise it wouldn't be something worth worrying about. @OP I guess now you realise you should at least have a small taste of things before you give them to young kids, especially when you don't know what it is. And while the parents should of went over drinks and food and stuff with the babysitter and what they are allowed to have, the babysitter still should have had the common sense to test it.. I've learned to be careful before making assumptions.. hopefully this one time occasion won't hurt them..

Edenbeam 19

YDI. You should have checked what it was first.

omigosh i know a girl named eden who can e a bitch but isnt all the time

#188, I thought she was very random as well, but then I realized that the previous commentor's name is "Edenbeam."

truslide 0

margarita mix has no alcohol in it. Its just concentrate. they are fine

That would make for an entertaining night, but a bad one once the parents came home... Works for life experience?

Methinks that's not the first time they've had the green juice.