By Anonymous - 17/11/2013 21:59 - United States - Elmwood Park

Today, I was at a diner with friends when we decided to put our phones in the middle of the table on the basis that whoever looks at theirs first has to pay. It was going well, until someone rushed up behind me, slammed my face into the table and ran out with our 4 phones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 873
You deserved it 5 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't the other people do anything? Surely four others had time to react?

you guys are a little slow, aren't you?


op they got hit in the head.. op lost 3 times that day

And your other 3 friends did nothing?

If it were my phone, I would be up and running after him.

the theif looked at their phone first, mustive been him.

I've done this before with friends and family but we keep our phones in our pockets

We had a friend that we were trying to get to not use his during meals so we did that. Me and my husband usually keep ours put away so we knew it wouldn't be an issue. Until he asked for the free appetizer coupon. Which was on my phone. Lol. We skipped the freebie that night to make a point.

Everyday_Galaxy 14

That was not where I was expecting this FML to go.

Nice friends you have there. Should be able to rely on them.

I get the idea, it's a bit of fun. But, most people would not leave a pile of purses on display on the table for everyone to see, and these days phones often have more value. So why temp the thieving scum/opportunistic thief. I hate the way we have to protect everything we own.